Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann go sonrach le Tionscadail
Cliceáil ar lógó thíos chun teacht ar na Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann leis an tionscadal DART+ sin.
DART+ West
Maidir le Cúil Mhín, cad é an t-ord tosaíochta (más ann dó) faoina bhfuil na roghanna á lascainiú?
Forbraíodh meicníocht anailíse ilchritéar (MCA) de réir “Chreat Measúnaithe Choitinn na Roinne Iompair Turasóireachta agus Spóirt (DTTAS) do Thionscadal agus Cláir Iompair, Márta 2016” chun na roghanna a mheas. Cuimsíonn sé na sé chritéar measúnaithe seo a leanas:
• An Geilleagar,
• An tSábháilteacht,
• An Comhtháthú,
• An Comhshaol,
• An Inrochtaineacht agus an tIonchuimsiú Sóisialta, agus
• An Ghníomhaíocht Choirp.
Anailís Ilchritéar - Is féidir an MCA a úsáid chun cur síos a dhéanamh ar aon chur chuige struchtúrtha chun sainroghanna foriomlána a chinneadh i measc roghanna malartacha, sa chás gur cheart na roghanna ilchuspóirí a bhaint amach. Clúdaíonn an téarma raon leathan de theicnící a bhfuil an aidhm céanna acu raon éifeachtaí dearfacha (tairbhí) agus diúltacha (costais) a chomhcheangal san aon chreat amháin chun comparáid níos éasca a dhéanamh idir roghanna malartacha sa chinnteoireacht (CAF, 2016). Anailís dhá chéim ilchritéar a bhí sa phróiseas measúnaithe Roghanna do DART+ Thiar. Sa chéad chéim, MCA1, rinneadh roghanna nach bhfuil indéanta agus roghanna atá níos measa ná roghanna eile bunaithe ar na sé chritéar measúnaithe sainaitheanta. Measúnú níos mionsonraithe ar na roghanna rangaithe (indéanta) is é an dara céim, MCA 2, i gcomparáid le MCA1. I gcás Chrosaire Comhréidh Chúil Mhín, rinneadh ocht Rogha, chomh maith leis na roghanna Déan Faic agus Déan an Méid is Lú a mheas, mar chuid de MCA 1. Measadh ceithre cinn de na roghanna seo a bheith indéanta agus níos tairbhiúla i gcomparáid le roghanna eile bunaithe ar chritéir an CAF. Níor measadh go raibh na roghanna Déan Faic agus Déan an Méid is Lú indéanta. Ba iad na roghanna a tugadh chuig MCA 2 ná Rogha 1, Rogha 3 móide Droichead Coise, Rogha 4 agus Rogha 6. Tar éis mheasúnú mionsonraithe MCA 2, measadh gurbh é Rogha 3 móide droichead coise an rogha ab fhearr a tháinig chun cinn agus critéir an CAF curtha san áireamh, i gcomparáid le roghanna eile a ndearnadh iad a bhreith.
The DART+ West project does not depend on any other project in order to advance. It will interface with a number of proposed rail and public transport projects including MetroLink, Bus Connects, other DART+ projects. The project team is working closely with the relevant agencies in order to ensure that projects are developed in a consistent manner and to be consistent with each other.
Construction Phase
In order to maintain services during the day, the majority of on track construction works along the railway line itself will take place at night. Works outside of the live railway corridor can progress during the day (i.e. construction of bridges associated with level crossing replacements, the construction of the depot, substations, construction compounds). Every effort will be made to avoid, reduce, and/or mitigate negative impacts, however, there is likely to be some disturbance experienced for those in close proximity to the railway line caused by noise, lighting or fencing/hoarding erected associated with the construction activities. The types of construction work required at each specific location will determine the type of impact that may affect the area/your property. However, there will be general linear works required along the full length, such as:
- Overhead electrification equipment along the full extent of the railway line. This will be similar in style to that currently used on the existing DART network.
- Modifications to the existing rail bridges such as modifications to the structure, track lowering or a combination of both.
- Substations will be required at a number of specific intervals along the rail line to provide power to the network.
- Signalling upgrades and additional signalling will be required to the upgraded infrastructure.
Interfaces with existing utilities, boundary treatments, drainage works, vegetation management and other ancillary works will be required along the length of the project. Upon appointment of a construction contractor a dedicated Community Liaison Officer will be put in place to communicate details of upcoming works and every potential mitigation will be put in place to minimise the disruption that may occur.
Operational Phase
During the operational phase, trains will operate at a higher frequency, but greenhouse gas emissions will reduce significantly. As part of the environmental impact assessment, all likely significant effects during both the construction and operational phases will be identified and detailed. Where necessary mitigation measures will be introduced if deemed necessary.
The objectives of the DART+ West project is to increase capacity and electrify the line. Additional car parking facilities are not within the scope of the DART+ West project. However, Iarnród Éireann’s Network Enhancement Division and the National Transport Authority’s Park & Ride Development Office are working on other projects to deliver enhanced parking at stations, for cars and bicycles in parallel to DART+ West.
The DART+ West project team has considered the feedback received from the first round of public consultations and has continued the option selection process. Additional options have been considered and refinements have been made to previous options. A new multi criteria analysis (MCA) was conducted on all options taking account of the submissions received from the public, further studies and surveys undertaken and design development. The outcome of this exercise has resulted in the determination of a new preferred option for the Coolmine level crossing replacement. The outcome of this exercise resulted in the determination of a few preferred option for Coolmine which was presented during public consultation no. 2. This option for Coolmine level crossing proposes to divert vehicular traffic to existing crossings at Castleknock and Diswellstown Road with associated road junction improvements, to maintain traffic flows for current and future growth projections. The preferred option also involves the construction of a new cycle/foot bridge over the railway and canal at the level crossing.
Public participation during the design development process is a key element to the delivery of major infrastructure projects such as DART+ West. This process allows public feedback to be assessed and used in developing the design with knowledge of all issues. The Webinars are there for you to hear directly from the project team on the latest project design updates and ask any questions that you may have. A clear understanding of the project status and design will help you in preparing your submission on the project. View the ways in which you can send in your submission on the How to Engage page on dartplus.ie.