Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann go sonrach le Tionscadail
Cliceáil ar lógó thíos chun teacht ar na Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann leis an tionscadal DART+ sin.
Ceisteanna Coitianta
The preferred option has been configured to maintain and enhance the pedestrian and cycle experience along Ashtown Road, encouraging people to use the existing route along the desire line to access facilities on both sides of the railway. A high quality urban architectural character is proposed to be implemented, promoting an avenue feel to Ashtown Road. This overbridge will also provide a greater level of passive surveillance in the vicinity of Ashtown station.
Today in Ashtown there are quiet and isolated pockets of land, including the existing Mill Lane north and south of the railway and canal. We are also aware of incidents of unsociable behaviour along the canal in the vicinity.
The revised preferred option diverts vehicular traffic off Ashtown Road and along a well-lit roadway on Mill Lane making such areas more public and accessible. The proposed roadway provides additional escape routes for those who might feel threatened. The provision of CCTV at the bridge should also deter unsociable behaviour. This configuration is a significant improvement on the existing conditions along the western extremity of Ashtown village.
Feedback from the public consultation related to a wide range of issues including community severance, public safety, mobility impaired users and access. It became apparent from the feedback that Ashtown Stables represented a significant cross community resource.
The evident value of this resource to the local community and the broader issues raised required a reassessment of options to account for this feedback and this led to consideration of other possible options which might better meet the needs of the community. The revised preferred option resulted from the MCA process taking account of the new information received to determine the best option for the project and the local community.
The revised Preferred Option for Ashtown now avoids significant impacts on Ashtown Stables. However, the provision of the vehicular underpass further to the west does significantly impact on a different commercial wholesale enterprise. DART+ West is committed to working with all potentially affected landowners during the design development of the project.
Following feedback received during public consultation no. 2 and reassessment by the project team, DART+ West published a revised preferred option for Ashtown in March 2022. This revised preferred option provides for reconstruction of Ashtown Station and provision of a new universally accessible pedestrian/cyclist footbridge and ramps, largely occupying the footprint of the existing station. The design is proposed to embrace high architectural and aesthetic value and will use steel construction to minimise the visual impact of the proposed works.
Direct stepped access will be provided across the railway at the Ashtown Road for mobility enabled users. Shallow ramps with segregated cycle access are proposed in addition to the stepped access. The proposed new substation will be provided for within the footprint of the station. Access over the railway will be available on a 24hr basis. High quality urban landscaping will be provided on the approaches to the station and throughout.
In addition to replacement non-motorised access at the location of the level crossing, it is proposed to construct a roadway and cycleway passing along Mill Lane, west of the existing mill and associated outbuildings to pass under the canal and railway. This proposed roadway will link into Mill Lane north of the Canal and will accommodate vehicular connectivity between Rathborne/Pelletstown and the Navan Road/M50. The design has been configured to be as open as practicable, incorporating shallow landscaped sideslopes where possible. Furthermore, the heritage setting of Ashtown will be reflected in the finishes to structural elements through the use of masonry to match existing walls.
Táthar i mbun suirbhéanna topagrafacha a dhéanamh faoi láthair ar fad bhealach thionscadal DART+ Thiar. Sna suirbhéanna sin, beifear ag glacadh tomhais agus leibhéil agus beifear ag taifeadadh gnéithe. Úsáidfear an fhaisnéis seo chun cabhrú le dearadh an tionscadail chomh maith leis an measúnú ar an gcomhshaol ina leith.
Ceapadh Murphy Geospatial chun tabhairt faoi na suirbhéanna seo, nach mbeidh cur isteach i gceist leo, cé go mbeidh rochtain ag teastáil ar thailte poiblí agus príobháideacha araon. Sa chás go dteastaíonn rochtain ar thailte príobháideacha beidh teagmháil déanta roimh ré.
Má tá aon cheist agat, nó imní ort, maidir leis na suirbhéanna seo déan teagmháil leis an Oifigeach Idirchaidrimh Pobail don Tionscadal seo, Garry Keegan, ag (01) 823 5127 nó trí r-phost a chur chuig DARTWest@irishrail.ie
The Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (2016-2035) has concluded that the DART+ will extend to Maynooth / M3 Parkway. The outer areas of the Greater Dublin Area and the outer Regions will continue to be served by numbers of diesel train services, albeit at increased frequency. These train services will be augmented by the M4 / N4 regional bus network.
At present, Kilcock Station is a single platform station. Continuation of the DART+ West to Kilcock would require construction of double track along a very narrow railway corridor, necessary overbridge modifications and the reconstruction of Kilcock Station to provide the necessary train infrastructure.
The NTA have commenced a review of the Transport Strategy, which will consider the existing and future demand and changes in demand since the last strategy. It will consider all options for servicing demand along the corridor including rail-based options. Electrification of the Sligo line beyond Maynooth remains an objective of Iarnród Éireann. It has been agreed that the NTA will consider the next phase of electrification on the Sligo Line and the required service levels to meet passenger demand in a review of the Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area. This review is scheduled for the end 2021. It is important to note that the works now proposed along the Maynooth Line will not preclude future electrification of the line to Kilcock and further west.
The journey time from Connolly to Maynooth will not be significantly different than today’s travel time of approx. 40 minutes whilst M3 Parkway to Spencer Dock travel time will be approx. 30-35 minutes DART+ West is about increasing capacity and transitioning to electrical traction power. Whilst new rolling stock will be deployed, the operational pattern is for all DART+ trains to stop at all stations. Therefore, whilst there may be some efficiency in travel time over today, travel time improvements are unlikely to be significant.