Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann go sonrach le Tionscadail
Cliceáil ar lógó thíos chun teacht ar na Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann leis an tionscadal DART+ sin.
DART+ South West
The strategy for the provision of new stations and other rail infrastructure is a matter for the National Transport Authority(NTA). The Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2022 to 2042 was published by the NTA in January 2023. The strategy commits to development of a number of new rail stations including at Cabra and Kylemore Road, Ballyfermot. These stations are outside of the scope of DART+ South West, the design of the project has future proofed its layout to allow the addition of stations at these locations in the future. The NTA has this year provided funding to Iarnród Éireann to commence preparation of designs and planning for stations at Kylemore and Cabra.
Yes, an EIAR will be prepared for the project which will contain detailed analysis of the potential impacts of the proposed project on the existing environment and will included sufficient information to allow the consenting authority, in this case, An Bord Pleanála, to decide on whether consent should be given to the project.
The EIAR will present a description of the existing environment, an assessment of the potential impacts of the scheme, will set out measures to avoid or reduce any adverse impacts and will identify any remaining residual effects. The impacts will be assessed and presented in line with the environmental topics, and in accordance with Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001 as amended and the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU.
The DART+ South West Project will replace or enhance (where practicable) pedestrian and cycle facilities where bridge reconstruction is necessary. Pedestrian and cycle facilities associated with many of the existing stations were provided as part of the original Kildare Route Project; the facilities are consistently under review and are the remit of the Iarnród Éireann Station Enhancement Programme.