Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann go sonrach le Tionscadail
Cliceáil ar lógó thíos chun teacht ar na Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann leis an tionscadal DART+ sin.
Ceisteanna Coitianta
Níl áiseanna páirceála breise ag stáisiúin san áireamh mar chuid de scóip tionscadail DART+ an Chósta Thuaidh, atá dírithe ar fhorbairt bonneagair chun méadú ar mhinicíocht traenach a éascú ar línte an Bhrainse Thuaidh agus Bhinn Éadair. Mar sin féin, seachas an tionscadal DART+ an Chósta Thuaidh agus lasmuigh den ordú iarnróid, tá roinnt tionscadal á gcur chun cinn ag Iarnród Éireann lena n-áirítear an Tionscadal Idirmhalartaithe Ilmhódúil, Tionscadal Feabhsaithe Stáisiúin DART agus, Clár Carrchlós atá dírithe ar stáisiúin a fhorbairt chun tacú le riachtanais sa todhchaí.
Déanfaidh an Tionscadal Idirmhalartaithe Ilmhódúil measúnú ar gach stáisiún ar fud an líonra d’fhonn a straitéis a chur i bhfeidhm ag stáisiúin ina bhfuil gá le modhnuithe a mbeidh tionchar acu ar thaisteal ilmhódach agus ar rochtain ar stáisiúin. Déanfaidh an tionscadal measúnú ar roghanna éagsúla ilmhódacha ag stáisiúin lena n-áirítear, gan a bheith teoranta do, soláthar páirceáil rothair slán agus seirbhísí soghluaisteachta roinnte. Tá Iarnród Éireann ag obair chun an Straitéis Idirmhalartaithe Ilmhódúil a chur chun cinn agus a thabhairt chun críche roimh dheireadh Ráithe 4 2023 d’fhonn Plean Forfheidhmithe a fhorbairt faoi réir srianta maoinithe.
Ina theannta sin, déanfaidh Tionscadal Feabhsúcháin Stáisiúin DART, atá ar tairiscint faoi láthair le haghaidh tacaíochta comhairleoirí, athbhreithniú ar na riachtanais amach anseo ag stáisiúin DART agus tá an chéad chéim den tionscadal seo (treoirlínte maidir le prionsabail dearaidh agus straitéis agus plean feidhmithe) le bheith críochnaithe i R2 2024. Beidh céimeanna breise agus rolladh amach an tionscadail faoi réir maoinithe.
It is currently anticipated that the Railway Order application will be submitted to An Bord Pleanála for approval in Autumn/Winter of 2023, although exact dates for this submission are yet to be confirmed.
Dearfar clár ama bunaithe ar éilimh ghnó agus phaisinéirí níos gaire don am a chuirfar oibreacha tógála i gcrích.
Téann gach athrú suntasach ar amchlár trí phróiseas comhairliúcháin phoiblí dá chuid féin, arna eagrú ag an Údarás Náisiúnta Iompair (NTA), ar a dtugtar an Próiseas Comhairliúcháin Custaiméirí maidir le hAmchláir. Ceanglaíonn an tÚdarás Náisiúnta Iompair (NTA) ar Iarnród Éireann tograí maidir le hamchláir a fhoilsiú ar líne do chustaiméirí chun gur féidir leo trácht a dhéanamh ar na tograí seirbhíse agus ionchur a dhéanamh iontu.
De ghnáth, maireann an próiseas seo ar feadh thart ar 3 seachtaine agus bíonn sé ar siúl roinnt míonna roimh na hathruithe amchláir atá beartaithe. Nuair a fhaightear gach ionchur, i gcomhar leis an Údarás Náisiúnta Iompair, tiomsaítear agus athbhreithnítear iad.
It is important to note that the DART+ Coastal North Project scope includes the construction of infrastructure to enable a planned increase in service, capacity and frequency on the Northern Line, inclusive of the Howth Branch Line. The development of timetables will progress separately to the DART+ Coastal North Project under the responsibility of Iarnrod Éireann Operations Division.
The development of service timetabling is an entirely operational procedure, which will be carried out separately to this DART+ Coastal North Project. Future timetables will be directly determined by future passenger demand.
Every substantial timetable change goes through a public consultation process of its own, organised by the NTA, known as the Timetable Customer Consultation Process. Iarnród Éireann are required by the National Transport Authority (NTA) to publish timetable proposals online for customers to comment on and input to the service proposals. This process is usually live for approximately 3 weeks and takes place a number of months in advance of the proposed timetable changes. Once all inputs are received, they are compiled and reviewed in conjunction with the NTA.
Iarnród Éireann will provide updates on changes to timetables as they are developed over the coming years.
The preliminary design process for DART+ Coastal North has Identified a variety of locations which may be used as construction compounds to allow for the construction of the project. Details of compound locations are included in Annex 1: Schematic Layout Drawings, and in Annex 3.2 Technical Optioneering Report: Electrification of the Northern Line between Malahide and Drogheda, available through the project website www.dartplus.ie
If your property is likely to be directly affected by the works you should already have heard from us. Our Community Liaison Officer will be available throughout the process to ensure you are regularly updated on the current proposals and your views are taken into consideration as we progress the design.
The preliminary design process for DART+ Coastal North has established that 8 new electrical substations will be required at key locations along the rail line between Malahide and Drogheda to provide power to the network.
The proposed substation locations are identified within the Schematic Layout Drawings in Annex 1 of the PC2 Supporting Documents, available through the project website www.dartplus.ie. The proposed substation locations along the line include:
- Drogheda
- Bettystown
- Gormanston
- Balbriggan
- Skerries North
- Skerries South
- Rush and Lusk
- Donabate
If your property is likely to be directly affected by the works you should already have heard from us. Our Community Liaison Officer will be available throughout the process to ensure you are regularly updated on the current proposals and your views are taken into consideration as we progress the design.