Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann go sonrach le Tionscadail
Cliceáil ar lógó thíos chun teacht ar na Ceisteanna Coitianta a bhaineann leis an tionscadal DART+ sin.
Ceisteanna Coitianta
The local Ashtown public consultation is being commenced by virtual means and webinar. However, this will be supplemented with a physical consultation event. More details of the virtual webinar and the physical consultation event are published on the project website (www.dartplus.ie).
The project will continue to serve all the existing stations along the Maynooth and M3 Parkway lines (including Pelletstown which is under construction). Some DART+ West services will terminate at the new Spencer Dock Station. The main change will be positive as there will be more frequent train services and higher passenger capacity.
The works will be undertaken in a manner so as to avoid or minimise impacts on adjoining properties, and it is not anticipated that damage will occur. However, any property required to facilitate the development will be acquired as part of the railway order application process. A condition survey may be required of existing structures and buildings adjacent to the works at certain locations. These will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the works required at that location. Should your property be deemed to require a condition survey you will be notified, and your permission sought to conduct the survey. The condition survey would take place at the preconstruction stage to provide assurance to property owners.
Táthar, tá sé beartaithe stáisiún nua lán-chomhtháite a fhreastalóidh ar thionscadal Líne Mhaigh Nuad DART+ agus an tionscadal MetroLink atá beartaithe, an dá thionscadal sin araon, le bheith suite ar thaobh Bhóthar Bhaile Phib (R108), in aice leis an gCanáil Ríoga. Tá Iarnród Éireann agus Bonneagar Iompair Éireann (BIÉ) ag comhoibriú chun an stáisiún nua seo a sholáthar lena gcuimseofar:
• stáisiún talún DART+. Beidh treoshuíomh an dá líne de chuid Iarnród Éireann sa stáisiún ag dul thoir-thiar (GSWR & MGWR);
• Beidh treoshuíomh thuaidh-theas ag an stáisiún faoi thalamh MetroLink;
• Comhbhealach roinnte agus freastal cothrom ann do na paisinéirí uile; agus
• Rochtain ar leibhéal na sráide agus feabhsúcháin ar an bhfearann poiblí.
Sonraí faoin suíomh atá beartaithe don stáisiún atá le forbairt mar chuid d’Ordú Iarnróid MetroLink
An EIAR is mandatory for a railway order application and will be prepared for the project. This EIAR will contain detailed analysis of the potential impacts of the proposed project on the existing environment and the mitigation measures proposed. It will include sufficient information to allow the consenting authority, in this case, An Bord Pleanála, to decide on whether consent should be given to the project.
The EIAR will present a description of the existing environment, an assessment of the potential impacts of the scheme, will set out measures to avoid or reduce any adverse impacts and will identify any remaining residual effects. The impacts will be assessed and presented in line with the environmental topics, and in accordance with Transport (Railway Infrastructure) Act 2001 and the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU.
A Screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) will be undertaken and if deemed necessary a full Appropriate Assessment will be prepared to assess the effects of the project on European sites (Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA)).
The DART+ West project is seeking to modernise the existing railway whilst protecting where possible the existing heritage of the railway. In order to construct the electrification system, certain interventions are required that will impact on specific bridges.
The project team have considered the architectural heritage of all bridge structures in the options assessments and physical interventions to these heritage structures will only be undertaken where absolutely necessary. In most cases works are confined to the railway bridges in proximity to the canal bridges and works will be restricted as much as possible to avoid any potential impact on these structures. An architectural heritage assessment of the proposed development and all protected structures impacted by the proposed works will be undertaken as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.