Conas a bheith páirteach
We have now concluded the 1st round of Public Consultation on the Emerging Preferred Option for the DART+ West Project.
All submissions are being reviewed and considered as part of the design process, in preparation for the 2nd round of Public Consultation soon.
Téigh i dteagmháil linn trí na bealaí seo a leanas:
- Fónlíne: (01) 823 5127
- Ríomhphost:
- Seoladh Poist:
Oifigeach Idirchaidrimh Pobail
DART + Maigh Nuad
Iarnród Éireann
Oibreacha Inse Chór
Paráid Inse Chór
Baile Átha Cliath 8
D08 K6Y3