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DART + Depot

Project Details

As part of the DART+ Programme the electrification of the DART+ Programme network requires a maintenance and operations depot to support these projects and the operation and maintenance of the train fleet.

This was previously planned at a site on the DART+ West project, but An Bord Pleanála excluded the depot from the Railway Order approval.

A new project has now commenced and is at an early stage of the process. We are currently assessing a number of sites as part of the process of selecting a preferred site.

Aim of Surveys 

A site selection process is currently underway to determine the preferred location of the proposed depot. A number of locations for the potential depot site are currently under examination. These surveys are now required to inform these assessments.

What type of surveys are proposed 

The surveys required now include:

  • Topographic Surveys
  • Surveys of watercourses, stream, ditches, rivers and canals (Hydrographic topographic surveys)
  • Ecological surveys
  • Geophysical ground surveys

These surveys are all non-intrusive surveys and only require walk over access across the lands while the land and crops will not be disturbed.

These surveys will be of a short duration and limited to the time necessary to access the lands and undertake the surveys.

Does this mean my lands will be required to be part of the depot?

This has not yet been determined. For the Hydrographic surveys of the streams and watercourses, surveys upstream and downstream of any potential depot are required and as such the extent of the surveys are significantly larger than those lands that may form part of a potential depot site.

Following the completion of the options assessment, a preferred site will be selected.

Why is the site previously refused by An Bord Pleanála included again?

The Board’s decision did not preclude the previous site from any new site selection process but rather set out a process to be followed for any site that experiences flooding to be assessed. The Board’s decision set out an approach to be followed in any new site selection process and this approach is being followed.

What other sites are being sites considered?

The options assessment has considered the full extents of the DART network including the three DART+ Programme projects (DART+ Coastal, DART+ Southwest and DART+ West). The study area for this DART+ Depot site selection study was also extended to consider sites within 10km of the furthest extent of the previous DART+ projects.

When will a decision be made on the preferred site?

The options assessment is underway and it is hoped to have identified a preferred site in Spring 2025.

When will the proposed depot commence construction?

Following identification of a preferred site, a draft Railway Order will be prepared and submitted to on Bord Pleanála. The timing of the completion of a Railway Order will depend on the selected site.

Who can I contact if there are any queries?

Gary Keegan, Project Liaison Officer for the DART+ Depot. Garry can be contacted a follows:

Phone - 086-2358913

Email -



